An attempt at discovering uniform polychora

Discussion of tapertopes, uniform polytopes, and other shapes with flat hypercells.

An attempt at discovering uniform polychora

Postby ubersketch » Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:11 pm

Since the faces of verfs of a polychoron P are the verfs of the cells of P, I went about trying to discover polychora by adding faces to verfs. Here is my results:

Sidpith verf with tet verf (large triangle) replaced with 3 quith verfs.

Gittith verf with tet verf (large triangle) replaced with 3 quith verfs.

Padohi verf with ike verf (large pentagon) replaced with 5 quit gissid verfs.

Gidpithi verf with ike verf (large pentagon) replaced with 5 quit gissid verfs.

Inform me if this actually works.
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